About Us
The Agriforestry DAO serves as a comprehensive ecosystem enabler, empowering regenerative agriculture, resilient food systems, supply chain with the ultimate goal of achieving enhanced food security, reduced deforestation incentives, low carbon emissions and footprint offset, improved soil quality, water preservation, enhanced ecosystem resilience, increased biodiversity, more agroforestry jobs, and additional income for farmers.
Our Sustainable Development Goals
10% of the world population suffers from hunger and malnutrition
50 % of the earth’s habitable land is already used for agriculture
30 % of the food currently grown goes to waste somewhere in the production and delivery process.
80 % more food will be required for humanity by 2100
72% of all water withdrawals are used by agriculture
60% - 75% of global deforestation, habitat and biodiversity loss is due to agriculture
Artisanal, small-scale mining and smallholder farming in a nutshell
~600 million worldwide
Smallholders farmers and artisanal miners
10 -30%
Global carbon emission
World coffee production
World coffee production
World gold production
World coltan production